Bethlehem (Nov 1) – State Senator Lisa M. Boscola announced today that she has secured a $200,000 state grant for the Mount Bethel Volunteer Fire Company for the expansion of its facility to include an emergency shelter and upgrade to its current facilities.
“This state funding will further assist Mount Bethel Volunteer Fire Company with its plan to upgrade its facility that will allow it to become a community shelter in times of emergency to provide basic services such as clean water and electricity,” Senator Boscola stated. “Too often in recent history Slate Belt communities have been hit with weather disasters leaving their residents without food, water and power for days. This state grant, combined with federal funding secured by Congresswoman Susan Wild, will provide an emergency shelter to assist Slate Belt residents in times of emergency.”
“The Slate Belt has long needed an emergency shelter to provide temporary housing to victims of local disasters, including fires and floods,” said U.S. Representative Susan Wild. “I was proud to secure $247,500 in federal funding for the Mt. Bethel Fire Company’s Regional Emergency Shelter, which after local matching funds from State Sen. Boscola’s office, brings the total to nearly $450,000. By finally establishing an emergency shelter in the Slate Belt, we are creating local jobs, modernizing our emergency response, and keeping our communities and first responders safe.”
“On behalf of the Mt Bethel Vol Fire Company, I would like to thank Senator Boscola for all the help and support she has put into this project for the emergency shelter. This is a great success that will help benefit the residents of the township and surrounding communities also,” stated Dale Handelong, Vice President of the Mount Bethel Volunteer Fire Company.
The project will also allow Mount Bethel Volunteer Fire Company to make important upgrades to its facilities that will better protect its volunteer firefighters, including showers that are able to provide hazardous chemical remediation.
The estimated construction timeframe for completion of the expanded Mount Bethel Volunteer Fire Company is 7 months with a project budget of slightly over $500,000.
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