Harrisburg, Feb 7, 2017 – State Sen. Lisa Boscola (D-Northampton/Lehigh) today issued the following statement in response to Gov. Tom Wolf’s $32.3 billion state budget proposal for fiscal 2017-18:
“This budget proposal is a workable solution to the state’s financial challenges.
“I share the governor’s interest in cutting and consolidating government services by $2.1 billion to avoid raising taxes. Cutting, consolidating and modernizing state government will not only enable us to close the budget deficit, but will also empower us to invest more dollars in creating jobs, reinvigorating our manufacturing sector and adequately funding our schools.
While I’m pleased that the governor wants to hold the line on state taxes, it is imperative that we also do more to reduce or eliminate local property taxes. We must act this year to protect homeowners from onerous property tax hikes and devise a school funding system that is more fair.
“Like all budget proposals, it is now the legislature’s responsibility to carefully review the governor’s spending plan and find ways to improve on it. I hope this year’s final budget will be done on time and the result of a cooperative, bipartisan work effort.”
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