Harrisburg, PA – April 24, 2023 – Senators Lisa M. Boscola (D-Northampton) and Devlin Robinson (R-Allegheny) introduced Senate Resolution 94, designating April 2023 as “Pennsylvania Community College Month”.
“I am proud to join my fellow Co-Chair of the Senate Community College Caucus, in introducing this resolution,” Boscola said. “In my region, the Lehigh Valley, and across the Commonwealth our community colleges are innovation centers. They are connecting with regional industries and preparing students in the skills they need to begin their careers”.
Pennsylvania’s community colleges play an indispensable role in the Commonwealth’s system of higher education by providing accessible and affordable post-secondary education, workforce training, and dual enrollment opportunities for students from all stages and walks of life. The community colleges have served the people of Pennsylvania for over 60 years in these capacities, and they continue to work to better meet the needs of their students and the needs of Pennsylvania employers.
“As a proud alum of the Community College of Allegheny County and Chair of the Senate Community College Caucus, I can proudly say that I know from firsthand experience that community colleges are essential to a vibrant Pennsylvania,” Robinson said. “I am honored to join Sen. Boscola to recognize the importance of them in our commonwealth, and I look forward to seeing continued student success.”
The resolution has bipartisan support with over two dozen cosponsors, showcasing the shared commitment from members across the Commonwealth in investing in the community college system.
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