When It Comes To Energy Policy, Pennsylvania Needs a Reset

When It Comes To Energy Policy, Pennsylvania Needs a Reset

By Senator Lisa Boscola – 18th Senatorial District  PJM is America’s largest transmission organization that coordinates the movement of wholesale electricity across 13 states, of which Pennsylvania is one.  At its most recent wholesale capacity auction...
COVID Policies Must Give Restaurants A Fighting Chance

COVID Policies Must Give Restaurants A Fighting Chance

Op-Ed Column by State Senator Lisa Boscola

Imagine a longer-than-anticipated workday that leads to a late dinner with a desire for an adult beverage.  Pre-COVID, this was not only a common occurrence, but also legal with plenty of dining options.  However, in Pennsylvania, it is no longer feasible to enjoy a quick late-night meal while sitting at your favorite bar.  While we have taken great care to protect the citizens of the commonwealth during the pandemic, we also have been inconsistent with the implementation and guidance associated with risk mitigation policies, especially for the restaurant industry.

Antiquated Basic Education Funding Formula is Hurting Lehigh Valley Homeowners and Students

Antiquated Basic Education Funding Formula is Hurting Lehigh Valley Homeowners and Students

Op-Ed Column by State Senator Lisa Boscola

The Basic Education Funding Formula is the single largest education funding stream in the commonwealth’s budget.  Until 2014, each year when the General Assembly passed a budget it distributed basic education funding dollars to our school districts based on what they received the year before — regardless of whether the student population grew or shrank.  This led to large disparities throughout the state when it came to where money went versus where it was needed.