(Bethlehem, Pa.) — State Senator Lisa Boscola will host an Affordable Care Act (ACA) enrollment event at her Bethlehem District office on Tuesday, November 28 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Lehigh Valley residents are invited to come and meet with certified enrollment specialists for guidance about the individual insurance marketplace, and the ongoing open enrollment period for the federal health insurance exchange, as well as consult with Medicare specialists.
WHEN: Enrollment: Tuesday, November 28 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Press Conference at 11am – Senator Boscola, Acting Insurance Commissioner Jessica Altman, State Representative Mike Schlossberg, PA Health Access Network Executive Director Antoinette Kraus, PA Department of Insurance Consumer Liaison Dave Buono
WHERE: Senator Lisa Boscola’s Bethlehem District Office, One East Broad Street, Suite 120, Bethlehem, PA 18018
Those who plan to enroll must bring their driver’s license, or government-issued photo ID, and a W-2 or pay stub to verify income.
The Senate Democratic Caucus initiated these events after enrollment period was shortened, the marketing budget was slashed and the Sunday work hours were reduced in an effort to ensure everyone has an opportunity to apply for this benefit.
The statewide enrollment effort coincides with the federal ACA open enrollment window for 2018. The enrollment deadline is Dec. 15. This is just one of the stops that the Enrollment Tour will make throughout the state during the ACA open enrollment window for 2018.