Constituent Survey

As your voice in Harrisburg, the feedback that my team and I receive from constituents helps form legislation that is introduced and co-sponsored. I work for you and it is important for me to understand what issues are most important to you and your family.

Survey Summer 2022
Should registered Independents be permitted to vote in Pennsylvania’s primary elections?
Should Pennsylvania eliminate school property taxes as a means to fund public schools?
Are you confident that the Pennsylvania Elections are counted accurately & declare the correct winner?
Do you feel the Commonwealth should allow for the permanent use of drop boxes as an acceptable way to return mail-in ballots?
Are you at all concerned with the current curriculum that is being taught to the students in our schools at this time?
Should we allow teachers to carry firearms in schools?
Are you familiar with the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative?
Should Pennsylvania enact the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative?
To address climate change, do you believe we should continue to prioritize the development of alternative green energy sources & solutions?
Do you support the legalization of recreational marijuana?
Are you familiar with Red Flag Laws?
Should Pennsylvania enact a Red Flag Law?
Pennsylvania law permits abortions until 24 weeks after a 24 hour waiting period. Thereafter, they may only be performed for a medical emergency. Minors require parental or judicial consent. Do you believe Pennsylvania’s abortion law should be preserved?

Office Locations

Bethlehem Office
One East Broad Street, Suite 120
Bethlehem, PA 18018
Call: (610) 868-8667
Text: (610) 756-2432
Fax: (610) 861-2184
Toll-free: 1-877-535-1818

Easton Office
1701 Washington Blvd.
Easton, PA 18042
Call: (610) 250-5627
Call: (610) 250-5629
Text: (610) 756-2432
Fax: (610) 250-1889

Slate Belt Office
20 Market Street
Bangor, PA  18013
Call:  (610)-863-1200
Fax:  (610)-863-1214
Every Tuesday & Thursday
9:00 am – 5:00 pm

Hispanic Center Mobile Office
Hispanic Center of Lehigh Valley
520 East 4th Street
Bethlehem, PA 18015
*By Appointment Only*

Harrisburg Office
Senate Box 203018
Harrisburg, PA 17120-3018
Call: (717) 787-4236
Text: (610) 756-2432
Fax: (717) 783-1257