November 14, 2019
Bethlehem − November 14, 2019 − State Senator Lisa M. Boscola announced today that the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR) has awarded a total of $638,200 in Recreation and Conservation grants in the 18th Senatorial District through the Community...
November 12, 2019
Bethlehem (November 12, 2019)- State Senator Lisa M. Boscola announced today that the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR) has awarded a total of $190,000 to the Delaware & Lehigh National Heritage Corridor and the City of Bethlehem in...
7 de noviembre de 2019
Bethlehem (7 de noviembre de 2019)- La senadora estatal Lisa M. Boscola anunció hoy que el Departamento de Conservación y Recursos Naturales (DCNR) ha otorgado subvenciones de Recreación y Conservación a través del Programa de Asociaciones de Conservación Comunitaria (C2P2) específicamente para...