Bethlehem, August 1, 2019 – State Sen. Lisa Boscola today announced $6,750,000 in Redevelopment Assistance Capital Program (RACP) funding to six redevelopment projects in the 18th Senatorial District.
“These state funds will be used to assist in the redevelopment of five important economic development projects in the cities of Bethlehem and Easton along with assisting in the construction of a new public safety complex in Whitehall,” Boscola stated. “By investing in these projects, the Commonwealth is providing important capital to make not only make these projects economically viable, but also create additional economic development projects that will not only create jobs, but also positively impact businesses located in our urban areas.”
The projects being awarded RACP funding are:
- Commodore -Optima Durant ($3,000,000): The redevelopment of 100-116 Northampton Street in the City of Easton, which is a blighted property that serves as the gateway to Pennsylvania, into commercial, residential and a 6,000 sq. foot restaurant on the roof;
- Whitehall Township Police and Municipal Services Complex ($1,000,000): Whitehall will be constructing a new 29,000 square foot police station and sally port adjacent to the existing municipal complex and renovating approximately 9,000 square feet of the existing complex;
- Boyd Theater Redevelopment ($750,000): A mixed use redevelopment of the former movie theater into ground floor retail and 120 one and two bedroom apartments in Bethlehem’s central business district;
- Heritage Lanes Building (Easton) ($750,000): Heritage Riverview, LLC, will be redeveloping the vacant Heritage Lanes building into a multi-use structure that will allow for additional levels of the building. Hearst Corporation has already been announced as a primary tenant and will occupy the entire first floor;
- Riverport Market – Bethlehem ($750,000): Project will demolish the former Starters Riverport and convert it to an urban market, which will be home to 30 vendors and businesses. This $3 million project will build upon the successes of other urban markets throughout the Commonwealth; and,
- ArtsQuest Community Cultural Center ($500,000): Projects consists of the construction of a new 80,000 square foot arts and cultural center at the site of the current Banana Factory Arts Center in Bethlehem.
“I am pleased to have worked with Governor Wolf on these joint priorities to make this funding a reality,” Boscola stated. “We both recognize the importance of redeveloping sites such as this in our urban cores to make neighborhoods vibrant once again.”
El RACP (Programa de Capital de Ayuda a la Reurbanización) se utiliza para la adquisición y construcción de proyectos regionales de mejora económica, cultural, cívica, recreativa e histórica. Los proyectos elegibles tienen un impacto regional o multijurisdiccional, ayudan a crear o mantener puestos de trabajo y generan actividad económica.
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